Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Self Referential

kinks and collaboration

A new blog, shinny bright and maybe just a bit too complicated. Seriously, red background versus white? We all know Kyler's the true communist amongst us. He thinks he's all deep and profound by using a sketch of himself as an identifier. Am I supposed to look at the shaky lines and go.. "oh...eeep! gestural drawing - it's so emotional I can't help but feel intimidated!"
Oh...and the interface is way to complicated, it's like it was designed for people who are used to completing training levels in an RPG.
Maybe we should hire Steve Jobs to hire someone to redesign it. Oh and serif fonts....hilarious.
Well after much fussing with CSS and blogger templates here is the very first piece up for critism, the blog itself.

The title has double meanings, we both like to take part in critic, but this blog is fundamentally designed to cause critic between us.

As for the design, only one post will ever be up at one time. If you want to look at more a once, just click on the archived months at the bottom.

The left vs. right design is to allow for easy comprehension and are vaguely symbolic of each of us. Kris is left handed, while I am right handed. The photos are juts for added clarity without actually putting up our names. The colours were initially chosen randomly, but I suspect they are rather appropriate.


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