Thursday, November 6, 2008



Self Portrait

Swallow Gulp

As self contained pieces of artwork, without any context, these pieces are difficult to dissect.


The foreground figure is fairly easy to read along with the cityscape. The images on the right are far less understandable. Telephone poles receding into the distant are fairly cliche in perspective drawing. They do mirror the shape of the cross worn by the central figure but I am unsure if I should be drawing a connection between the power system, religion and the apocalypse. The figures of people on the right are mostly alright, except I don't feel that the dancing figures are very convincing. Their gesture doesn't evoke any of the fluidity I think they are supposed to.

Self Portrait

The colours are very interesting, yet they verge on simply being a mess. The very dark blacks are essential in making sense of the colours. However, the black used in the hair doesn't feel as though it is part of the figure. It is extremely unbalanced on the head and simply seems to suggest a half shaved head.

The text seems like an attempt to add meaning. It shouldn't be necessary if the meaning is already in the drawing.


The quality of the line and the use of the medium is extremely compelling. However they also hid a lack of precision in the anatomy of the drawing. It is difficult to see how the neck connects to the head. Also the neck could be angled in opposition to the head as to increase the contraposto.

I'm not entirely sure what to think of the text. The content is fine, but the presentation doesn't sit entirely well with me. It isn't bad, I simply feel it might be something that could be experimented with more in the future. Your drawings change often but I rarely see much variety in how the writing is done.


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